People with Disabilities

Lending Library

The Commission for People with Disabilities maintains a variety of materials for lending. Below is an example of the resources available. Contact Dolores Lopez at (801) 328-8641 to review and check out the materials.

Pastoral Statement of U.S. Catholic Bishops on Persons with Disabilities (USCCB)

The U.S. bishops renew the church's call to minister to the needs of disabled people in the United States. The bishops recognize the need in striving for a deeper understanding of both the pain and the potential of our neighbors who are blind, deaf, mentally retarded, emotionally impaired, who have special learning problems, or who suffer from single or multiple physical disabilities-all of whose disability may set apart. The bishops also call us to reexamine our attitudes toward our disabled brothers and sisters in order to promote their well-being, acting with the sense of justice and compassion that the Lord so clearly desires.

Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities: A Framework for Access and Inclusion (USCCB)

Statement from the U.S. bishops commemorates the twentieth anniversary of their pastoral statement on persons with disabilities. In brochure format, the new document presents a crisp and concise framework of principles, designed to further foster access and inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of the Church and in society. Available for download at

Opening Doors to Welcome and Justice / Parish Guide (USCCB)

Create welcoming and accessible parishes using the information and suggestions in this resource from the experts at the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. The guide contains resources to help a parish evaluate its efforts to welcome parishioners with disabilities and gather better information about disabled parishioners.

Welcoming Parishioners with Disabilities (USCCB)

"Concern for persons with disabilities," wrote the bishops, "was one of the prominent notes of Jesus' earthly ministry." This brochure suggests seven ways for parishioners to open wider the doors of concern, and make the parish a more welcoming and inclusive place of worship for all with disabilities.

Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities (USCCB)

Seeks to improve access to the Sacraments by persons with disabilities and to reduce inconsistencies in pastoral practice. Recognizes the call for adequate evangelization, catechetical formation and sacramental preparation programs that enable disabled Catholics to prepare for and receive the sacraments.

Welcomed and Valued (NCPD)

A DVD and Resource Manual takes an in depth look at people with mental illness and how they participate in parish life.  The Resource Manual features 90+ pages of information, perspectives and tools to assist in the ministry with people with mental illness.

A Life Like Yours

This video that shares the story of Maddie, who reminds us of the dignity and joy that can be found in every human life. It premiered before 18,000 people at the Youth Rally and Mass for Life, held at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC on January 22, 2010. This video was produced in collaboration with NCPD by the Office of Special Needs and the Life Issues Department of the Archdiocese of Washington.
